
The Road Traffic Authority (RTA) has been established by the National Parliament to administer the regulation, safety and use of land transport throughout Papua New Guinea. The RTA takes over all the functions of the National Road Safety Council (NRSC) and the Land Transport Board (LTB), and the land transport regulatory functions of the Department of Transport including the powers of the Superintendent of Motor Traffic.

This website is intended to be a primary source of information about the RTA, its plans and activities and associated information and publications.

We are reviewing all the functions that the RTA has inherited, including licensing of PMVs, taxis and heavy freight transport, vehicle inspection and registration, and driver licensing and are working on improved procedures for each of these functions. However, implementation will take time and resources. Road safety continues to be a significant issue in Papua New Guinea and the RTA intends to continue the work in this area started by the NRSC.

This is our duty and we will continue to serve our country to the best we can.

John Daveona Avira
Acting Chief Executive Officer